Daphodill Farms


Say hi to Daphne!

About Daphodill Farms

Daphne's journey began as a refugee from the Republic of Congo. At the age of 15, she moved to the United States. Determined to make a difference in agriculture, she pursued her education and graduated with a BS in Ag from PVAMU.

After gaining experience working for several Ag companies in the Midwest, Daphne realized her true calling lay in sustainable farming practices. With a vision to contribute positively to her community and local economy, she founded Daphodill Farm.

Daphodill Farm is a femme-owned and operated establishment dedicated to organic and regenerative agriculture. Inspired by the impactful role of small, local farmers, Daphne embarked on this journey to promote sustainable farming methods and support local food systems.

Beyond her own success, Daphne harbors a dream close to her heart. She aspires to empower other refugee girls who share her passion for regenerative, modernized agriculture. Through Daphodill Farm, she hopes to provide opportunities and resources for them to pursue their dreams and make a meaningful impact in the agricultural industry.

When did you first get started?

February of 2021!

What inspired you to start your business?

I am a third generational farmer. My grandparents and parents always farmed the land.

I decided to start my business because I love growing food but mainly because I wanted to build a business that will provide an income for me and my family; something that my future generation will hopefully carry on the tradition.

What is your favorite thing to make/produce?

I love growing tomatoes, lettuce and carrots. They’re are colorful, vary in taste and texture - all which make a perfect bowl of salad with a homemade vinaigrette.

Where are you from/where did you grow up?

I am from the republic of Congo , Brazzaville in central Africa. I grew up in Cote D’ Ivoire and spent the last 13 years in the States.

Share a fun fact about yourself you'd like your customers to know!

Trilingual, I didn’t know how to speak English prior to 2010. Painter by hobby 👩‍🎨 Salsa makers, microgreens enthusiasts

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