Roasted Eggplant

4 servings | Prep Time 15 minutes | Total: 1 hour


  • 1 medium eggplant

  • Extra virgin olive oil or whichever oil you prefer

  • Salt and pepper

  • Garlic powder

  • 1 lemon

  • Tomato Basil sauce or a preferred pasta sauce (optional)

  • Parmesan cheese (optional)

Italian Eggplant


  1. Wash hands before starting as well as the eggplant

  2. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F and line a pan with parchment paper or a nonstick spray. 

  3. Cut top of the eggplant off then bottom part of the eggplant as well. 

  4. Cut the remaining eggplant into 1-inch slices. 

  5. Place the slices of eggplant on a plate lined with paper towel. 

  6. Sprinkle a vigorous amount of salt on the top and bottom of each slice. Remember this is not for seasoning this is to help dry out the eggplant so it’s easier to cook. 

  7. Let the eggplant sit for at least 30 minutes to an hour.

  8. After 30 minutes or an hour take a paper towel and blot off the excess moisture on the eggplant slices. 

  9. Grab your pan and place the eggplant slices on it. 

  10. Pour your olive oil (or whichever oil you prefer) into a small bowl. 

  11. Take a napkin and dip it into the olive oil and rub it on the tops of the eggplant slices. 

  12. Sprinkle salt and pepper on the tops of the eggplant slices. 

  13. Sprinkle garlic powder on the tops of the eggplant as well. 

  14. Flip the eggplant slice and repeat steps 10-13. 

  15. Place the eggplant slices into the oven for between 20-30 minutes.  The slices should be a medium brown on top. 

  16. Squeeze lemon juice on the tops of them and you’re ready to go! Enjoy!

  17. (Optional) Another way to season these eggplant slices is to take a spoon full of tomato basil sauce (or whichever pasta sauce you prefer) and place it on each eggplant slice. Drizzle some parmesan cheese on the tops as well and that’s it! Enjoy!

Nutrition Facts per 1 serving: 339 Calories, 20g Carbohydrates, 5g Protein, 28g Fat

Inspired by allrecipes: Olive Oil Roasted Eggplant with Lemon; Prepared by Kalea Moch, UTMB Student Nurse, June 2020

Watch the video tutorial here!