6/16 - Get Coloring for Juneteenth!


Stop by GOFM’s Juneteenth coloring station and add some color to an iconic Galveston-originated holiday!

As quoted from Outdoor Afro, a non-profit organization that reconnects Black people to their lands, water, and wildlife: “Media created a false narrative of what Juneteenth is by painting it as a “celebration” to the end of slavery in the United States. In reality, it is the date 250,000 enslaved Black Americans in Galveston, Texas, were told they were free on June 19, 1865 – 2.5 years after the Emancipation Proclamation (signed Jan. 1, 1863) went into effect. To honor this day, we encourage our community, partners, and regional networks to spend time in nature (whether a nearby beach, swimming pool, or public park for example).

We invite you to join us to reflect on & commemorate freedom, and ask yourself: ‘What does freedom mean to me?’

Date & Time

Sunday, June 16th

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM