4/30 - Earth Day with Keepin it Green Recycling


Celebrate Earth Day by learning how you can easily make recycling & composting as a part of your normal routine with Keepin’ It Green (KIG) curbside service!

You can also bring your recycling & composting materials to market. Please review the below on what will be accepted:

Recycling Material that will be accepted:

  • CLEAN Cardboard (Folded)

  • CLEAN glass bottles

  • CLEAN Aluminum/tin cans

  • ONLY CLEAN plastic water bottles

All items must be 100% CLEAN before they are placed in the recycling bins.

Composting Material that will be accepted:

  • Leaves

  • twigs

  • Eggshells

  • Vegetable waste

  • Fruit waste

  • Landscaped plants ( not sprayed with chemicals)

  • Vegetable plants pulled from gardens ( not sprayed with chemicals)

The below will NOT be accepted:

  • NO paper whatsoever

  • NO plastic including clamshells/packaging from market 

  • Any items that have food contamination / not been cleaned

  • Food waste aside from the ones outlined above

Date & Time

April 30, 2023

9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

at Galveston’s Own Farmers Market (3304 Market)

Mercedes PangComment