2024 - Bookshop Pop-Up & Turbo the READ Dog


Get your paws on some fantastic books & make a new furry friend at the Friends’ Book Shop Pop-Up! Turbo, the certified Reading Education Assistance Dog (READ), is ready to listen to your stories, and the Friends of the Rosenberg Library will have a barking good selection of gently used books. See you there!

Get Lit(erature) at the Pop-Up Book Shop! In partnership with the Friends of Rosenberg Library, families are invited to:

  1. Shop gently used books with the Friends of the Rosenberg Library

  2. Tell a story to a certified (& super cute) Reading Education Assistance Dog!

Come find them at the market on:

  • October 20 - 9a-1p

    • (10-11a) Read to Turbo the READ Dog

  • November 10 - 9a-1p

    • (10-11a) Read to Turbo the READ Dog

  • December 8 - 9a-1p

    • (10-11a) Read to Turbo the READ Dog

About Friends of the Rosenberg Library

Friends of the Rosenberg Library is organized to support and promote Rosenberg Library as a cultural and educational asset, and to raise money for books, equipment, and related materials for the library. Learn More>

About Diva the READ Dog

Reading Education Assistance Dogs (READ) improves children's reading and communication skills by employing a powerful method: reading to a dog. Kids can read to Diva stories while they're at Galveston's Own Farmers Market.