Hispanic Heritage Month Art Contest


Come Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with Galveston’s Own Farmers Market!

In recognition and celebration of Hispanic Excellence in our community, GOFM cordially invites all local GISD & non GISD students to submit their personal art project showcasing “What Hispanic Heritage Means to Me.”

Student's artwork will be displayed and recognized during our Hispanic Heritage Market Day on September 18, 2022, at Galveston’s Own Farmers Market (2822 Market, 77550).

Submissions will be displayed during the market and a total of 25 art pieces will be specially selected to be displayed at our local Galveston Arts Center! 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes will be awarded with prizes for judge favorites.

Local Hispanic leaders and local professionals will be selected to serve as judges during this special market day. A great opportunity to meet and get to know Hispanic Excellence in your community!

Artwork Guidelines:

  • Size must be between 8.5”x11” -  24”x36”

  • Can use any medium or materials!

  • Due to the nature of the event, video/digital art cannot be presented

  • All work must be released for individual usage or purpose usage grants. 

  • Content should be appropriate for public use. Please no negative or offensive language.

Turning In Artwork:  

  • Artwork may be dropped off to our GOFM office (306 Kempner, Suite #200, 77550) on Thursday, September 15 from 3 PM - 7 PM so it may be promoted on social media.

How to Enter

To enter, complete this form (If you’re under 18, please have your parent/legal guardian complete it):


Email Zuri at zuri@gofarmersmarket.com. We look forward to seeing your submissions!