For Students

This garden belongs to you. It is designed as a space where you can take a break, study, snack and learn. Respect it, help us take care of it, and enjoy its beauty!

This YGP garden is an outdoor classroom, a food source and  a space for mindfulness. We are here to support you and your families discover fun, safe and creative ways that leverage the magical learning opportunities living within this garden.

If you have any questions, contact us at

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Things you can DO in the Gardens

  • Take a break in the garden during stressful times of the day.

  • Once you’re in the garden, start by putting your devices down. Take a few deep breaths.

  • Find a comfortable spot in the garden where you can sit or stand quietly for a few minutes.

  • Use your senses to focus on the present moment. Notice the colors, textures, and smells of the plants around you.

  • Take slow, deliberate breaths and try to synchronize them with the natural rhythms of the garden. For example, inhale as you smell the flowers and exhale as you hear the wind rustling the leaves.

  • Walk a pattern around the garden beds, following a labyrinth or maze-like pattern, and focus on your footsteps and the path ahead of you.

  • Take a yoga mat or blanket and have a solo yoga practice in the garden

  • Listen to calming music while sitting or walking in the garden

  • Bring a sketchbook or journal and start drawing or writing about the garden

  • Volunteer to help maintain the garden and get some dirt therapy ;)

  • Use the garden as a study spot for a change of scenery

Things you can THINK about in the garden:

  • Imagine yourself as a part of the natural world around you. Picture yourself as a tree growing tall and strong, or a butterfly fluttering among the flowers.

  • Practice gratitude by reflecting on the beauty and abundance of the garden, and giving thanks for the opportunity to connect with nature.

  • Use a mantra or affirmation to help quiet your mind and focus your thoughts. Repeat a phrase like "I am calm and centered" or "I am grateful for this moment of peace."

  • Connect with nature by observing the plants and animals in the garden..


Basic Safety Tips:

  • Follow all safety guidelines provided by your school or teacher.

  • When touching plants, keep your eyes open for thorns, insects or any surprises!

  • When moving about the garden, be aware of any potential hazards such as sharp tools, uneven ground, antpiles, etc.

  • Wash your hands thoroughly after working in the garden to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria.

  • Don’t let anyone into the garden from outside your campus.

Basic Ground Rules:

  • Feel free to taste and snack on foods you recognize!

  • Do not remove any plants unless prior permission from YGP staff has been given

  • If you use tools, put them back once you’re finished.

  • Leave no trash behind.

  • If you see something unsafe in the garden, notify GOFM staff immediately at

  • Ask us for help if you have ideas for a lesson plan, if you feel stuck or if you want to know more about anything you see in the garden! Email us at

Galveston’s Own Farmers Market has operated the Young Gardeners Program in partnership with Galveston Independent School District since 2017. Learn more about YGP here.